WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Planning Paper 12 8 February 2008 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Title: ELECTION OF CONVENER AND DEPUTY CONVENER OF PLANNING COMMITTEE Prepared by: JANE HOPE, CHIEF EXECUTIVE DON MCKEE, HEAD OF PLANNING Purpose To seek Board approval to remuneration and election arrangements for Convener and Deputy Convener of the Planning Committee. Recommendations That the Board agree: a) That the Convener of the Planning Committee is remunerated on the basis of 4 days per month; b) The proposed date (8th March) for election of the Convener and Deputy Convener of the Committee. Executive Summary The past 5 years have shown that the Convenership of the Planning Committee is a demanding job. To date, the post has always been held by the Convener of the Board; as a result, the issue of time input and appropriate remuneration has not arisen, as this has in effect been absorbed by the Convener’s remuneration arrangements (8 days a month). The current Convener wishes to stand down as Convener of the Planning Committee. It is proposed that election of a new Planning Committee Convener is held on 8th March 2008, and that remuneration attaches to this post, given its importance and work load. It is proposed the postholder is remunerated for 4 days a month. (as opposed to 3 days per month which is the usual remuneration for members). Election of Convener and Deputy Convener of Planning Committee Background 1. The post of Convener of the CNPA Planning Committee is a challenging role, requiring considerable preparation before meetings, and dealing with the media afterwards. Since the start of the Park Authority the post has been held by the Convener of the Board, so the time commitment has been adsorbed within the Convener’s remuneration arrangements of 2 days a week (8 days per month). 2. The current Convener wishes to step down as Convener of the Planning Committee. It is therefore proposed that in recognition of the workload and responsibility attaching to the post, the postholder is remunerated on the basis of 4 days a month. This is equivalent to the remuneration of the Deputy Convener of the Board; “ordinary” members are paid on the basis of 3 days per month. The proposal does not extend to the Deputy Convener of the Planning Committee. Financial Implications 3. The proposal would result in additional expenditure to the CNPA of around £2,300 per year (the equivalent of 1 extra day per month), representing 0.8% of annual Board costs. Presentational Implications 4. Paying additional money on salaries always deserves careful examination, and in this case is well justified. There is a benefit in spreading responsibility wider than the Board Convener who is then freed up to devote time to other issues. The additional cost is only 0.8% of the total Board costs, small in comparison with the importance of the job. The proposal is replicating practice at the other Scottish National Park Authority. Implications for Stakeholders 5. None. Jane Hope Don McKee February 2008 janehope@cairngorms.co.uk donmckee@cairngorms.co.uk